
After Today....

I love "A Goofy Movie"... and the song "After Today" just seems fitting.

I'm not going to sit on my butt and play video games or confess my undying love to someone that doesn't know I exist... I'm going to fly to Europe to live on a boat for about 9 months.  

I've said that so many times this summer and I'm currently at the limbo time where I'm packed and just waiting to actually get through security at the airport and board the plane.  Once that happens, yes I will still be nervous, but it won't be that stupid waiting anxiety that plagues a person when they are waiting for something big to happen.  

Bryan bought a house today and him and his roommates have been experiencing the same thing.  Waiting for everything to fall into place and for that moment when the key is in your hand and the house is YOURS.  I'm not athletic, but I'm sure athletes go through the same thing too right before a big game.  All of the time spent preparing for one moment and it's those hours before things happen, when you can't prepare anymore and am going through the list in your head of everything to remember that are the worse.  

Right now all of my bags are packed (they are lovely floral suitcases on wheels that my Dad purchased for a whole $5 and that we will discard once everything is stowed neatly on the boat) and I'm ready to go.  I've realized that while this anxiety is painful and annoying, it is a motivator.  I've been super productive today which is always a good thing.  There isn't a whole lot left to do right now though... at some point I have to get some sleep... which will not be easy... and then it'll be time to wake up and go to the airport.  Brother is going to drive me because he's awesome.  Then he'll probably leave next week or the week after on a plane to Seattle to work on his own adventure of getting out of Orange Park.  (If anyone knows any job opportunities there please let me or him know).

My flight tomorrow is:
Jacksonville, FL at 11:50am - Detroit, MI.  I have a 2 hour layover there
Detroit, MI to Amsterdam - it says 4:05pm - 5:55am... it's about an 8 hour flight
Amsterdam - Rome is about a 2 hour flight and I'll arrive in Rome at 9:05am (which is Greenwich Mean Time + 1hr).  It's going to be a long day of travel, but I'll hit my 20th state in 3 months and get to say I've been to Amsterdam... although I'd like to go back and actually leave the airport some time.  

We should have internet on the boat when I get there so I'll pass on the news when I arrive.

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