
The Mooing Mountains

We needed an anchorage not too far away that we could use as an overnight stay.  We chose Bozuk Buku because it looked like a nice sheltered anchorage, but later found out that’s it’s an “Off the Beaten Path” in Fodor’s.   Well the town next to it was anyway.

When we read about the anchorage it said there were some ruins and restaurants located on land.  It wasn’t really worth getting off of the boat for, but it was a really neat anchorage to spend the night.

It’s kind of hard to see but there is the base of a castle up on the hill.  This castle, Loryma, had to of been huge because the base was really long.  There was a restaurant at the base that looked like it may have been open, but I’m not sure.

Aside from this castle, there wasn’t a whole lot of actual buildings.  What we did see though, and hear, were farms.  There were lots of goats, a donkey, and cows mooing and echoing in the mountains.  The farmers had taken what was left of the Greek or Roman ruins and turned them into pastors for their animals.  Nothing was excavated and it didn’t look like anyone ran any sort of restaurant on land.  I really enjoyed getting to see all of the live stock though.  It reminded me of being at a fair and the noises were great and made us laugh.

Three Rivers was anchored here too.  This was the boat that was next to us for most of the winter in Kemer. 

And our travel buddies Persevere were there too!  They decided to spend a few more days there than we did so I’m not sure if we are going to run into them again.  I really enjoyed getting to know them though and was overwhelmed with their hospitality.

There was a full moon that night.  We were trying to get a good photo of it, but this is the best we could do without a tripod… which wouldn’t have helped anyway because boats tend to move.  This is Persevere again.

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