
Happy Birthday!

At dinner on the 19th my Dad asked me where I thought I would be on my 25th birthday. 
This was the dessert I got after a great dinner at Astemio.  It was some sort of vanilla mouse with chocolate syrup drizzled all over it, apparently special to Sicily.  As was the glass of wine sitting there too.

I was never one for planning my life out and haven’t really figured out where I want to be so I said I hadn’t really thought of it.  It was a pleasant surprise that I spent my 25th birthday in Sicily, at the base of Mt. Etna sailing around the Mediterranean Sea with my Dad.  Far from expectations, but it also exceeds any expectations I may have had.

I had a great birthday.  I got to talk to my family and friends, some who I haven’t had the chance to since I’ve been sailing, and watched a great video that my boyfriend, Bryan, put together for me with the help of some of my best friends.  It was a great getting to see so many familiar faces from the states. 

Dad and I celebrated the night before with a wonderful dinner and an Italian ska concert held right in the middle of the piazza in front of a beautiful church. 

I was overwhelmed with how many birthday wishes I received on Facebook, and how many of them wished me good sailing and said they were following my adventure.  That extra reminder of home was just what I needed as the icing on the cake to make it a terrific birthday.

Thanks everyone!

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